Happy Spring! I am entering a contest and I was asked to describe what Spring means to me. Spring is my favorite season. After a long, cold, snowy winter I am so thankful to see the early signs that warmer weather is just around the corner. The birds begin chirping out my bedroom window, the crocus and tulips begin to pop their little heads out from a long winter's sleep, and new life is all around.
Sometimes I dream of living somewhere warmer but I wonder, "Would I appreciate Spring as much as I do?" I am so thankful for the sun that comes out more and more everyday. I am able to take off my winter coat, hat, and mittens and feel the warmth of the sun again. Thank you Lord! It reminds me of my new life in Christ. The old is gone and the new has come. There is newness of life all around. The beauty of my Creator is everywhere. The magnificent color, smells, and sounds are music to my ears. Thank you God for my life I have in You. Thank you for Spring, my favorite season. If you would like to join the contest click the button below.