I sit here tonight, so thankful and truly blessed. I honestly can't put it into words , when I think about how many friendships blogger has given me. Ones that I am dearly thankful to call some of my closest friends. Having a blog, and meeting others through comments and links , you'd really be surprised with just what you may find. I can think of so many people who someday, I'll have the blessing of meeting "in person". I know there are people out there who simply can't even begin to understand why someone would even think of meeting up with someone they had never seen in person before, but I think all of us bloggers can truly understand, that meeting another "blogger friend" is one of our dreams. I had the opportunity to meet two sisters who are so dear to my heart, in June. To think that actually happened, is just amazing. I'm looking forward to meeting others that I've read their blogs, or exchanged letters with someday. I hope next year will hold lots of travel, not only a trip when I graduate, but also meetings with some of my best friends. I hope to head out to a retreat also, so saving money must begin soon. :)
This week much love arrived in the mailbox, and I am so touched to call these people, friends.