i like these days, when the sky isn't sunny blue, and there's a chill in the air. october is one of my favorites and i don't want it to end. these months are going by so quickly, and before i know it, snow will cover the ground and thick coats will be the everyday. there's something sweet though, about the way everything is silent in the dead of winter. the sky and night are still, and you can hear the simplest sound miles away. i hope fall doesn't go too quickly though, as i would very much like to hold onto it and savor every moment before all i want to do is be bundled up inside. <3
anticipating:: senior pictures,skyping with friends who i've never video chatted with and a possible google hangout crafting workshop in the near future/
starting replies to: sarah, grace, katie, bethany,
brewing a cuppa:: holiday tea { i may be fond of tea tins and part of the reasoning behind trying certain ones. ;) but i'm also just excited for this time of year in general.}
watching:: xfactor and the voice
reading:: a fine romance, falling in love with the english countryside
firsts :: visiting minnesota \\ having an official sister \\
to-do:: catching up on school from while i was gone. weekly photography assignment for my class.
eating:: marinated chicken for dinner.
cooking:: fall yummies. is it just me or am i seeing more pumpkin goodness than ever before?
quoting:: i'm so thankful to live in a world where there are octobers. ~ anne of green gables.
loving:: instagram, always // long skype chats filled with much laughter, and plenty of hours messaging dear friends who make me laugh. // inside jokes
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